Sunday, May 6, 2007


SFiFF2007 - Fish Dreams (Sonhos de Peixe)

Fish Dreams (Sonhos de peixe) How far would you go to earn somebody's love? An almost documentary like drama "Fish Dreams" ("Sonhos de Peixe," Brazil/Russia/USA 2006, 111 min., shown at the 50th SFiFF) tells one fisherman's effort for the woman he loves.

Young Jusce is a deep sea diver in a poor village in Brazil. He dives to the bottom of the sea to catch stingrays and lobsters. Even though life isn't easy, he wants to earn the heart of Ana, a girl in the village who is addicted to soap operas on TV. What he does to achieve that goal is quite extraordinary, if not insane.

Jusce's longing for Ana is so overwhelming that he is willing to do anything to build a new life with Ana. Is it possible for him in a poor village like the one they live in? The actor does a terrific job to express Jusce's emotions and his determination.

This film gives us a stunning closer look at these fishermen's lives, including how they catch a stingray by using homemade diving gears. It's almost as realistic as a documentary on PBS.

After seeing this film, I will probably never go to a gym again. Instead, I can just move to that village Jusce lives in, because everyone live there seems to have a tanned beautiful body full of muscles. Who needs iron weights when there are plenty grandmas around that you can lift? How can anyone forget the amazing dances those "super tanned" children perform on the beach? The strength shown by these kids is outstanding, and obviously none of them needs a gym membership.

This a decent film with many exotic details.


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