Tuesday, July 11, 2006



EuroTrip I laughed out loud for the first part of "EuroTrip." It's about this high school kid went to Europe with his buddies to meet his pen pal girlfriend in Germany. Scott Mechlowicz (hot hot hot!) plays that dumb high school kid pretty well, but he is even better in "Mean Creek" (a better film too!). I totally enjoy how "EuroTrip" poking fun of Americans and the animations in the movies are hilarious. But sometimes, the jokes fall flat because we probably have seen them many times and they are just not very refreshing or funny any more.

Did I have a good time watching this film? Absolutely. Do I remember this film couple weeks late? Probably not. It's really a fun film that doesn't require any brain cells, plus there are some eye candies in it. If I were making the film, I would totally wipe out the twin brother/sister characters. They are simply lame compared to others, and they were acted pretty badly as well.

My rating: 7 out of 10.

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